ViralesEl tenista serbio Novak Djokovic dona 1 mill de...

El tenista serbio Novak Djokovic dona 1 mill de euros para combatir el COVID19 en Serbia


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En la red social instagram del tenista, aparecen Novak y su esposa Jelena, donde anuncia a todos sus seguidores que donarán 1 mill de euros para la compra de equipo medico y demás ayuda para combatir el #COVID19 en Serbia.

Mi esposa y yo, hemos donado 1 millon de euros via #NovakFundation para la compra de equipo medico y para ayudar a combatir al #COVID19 en Serbia. Estamos en esto juntos.

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Dear friends, this is a video from the press conference my wife @jelenadjokovicndf and I hosted this afternoon to announce that we donated 1 million euros through our @novakfoundation to Serbia for the purchase of medical equipment and supplies. We have spent the past several weeks gathering every piece of necessary information on COVID-19 in order to make this informed decision on how my family could make the biggest and best impact on our country. People from the Republic of China have given us tremendous help and support, we cannot thank them enough. I keep receiving calls from all over the world and people want to help but don’t know where or how. We have decided to open an emergency account through Novak Djokovic Foundation where our family money will go and I’m directing any other person that wishes to help to donate there. All the money will go towards the purchase of respirators, medical equipment, and any required supplies like masks. I am fully aware of how much this crisis has impacted everyone on all fronts.. I am touched by the generosity that keeps pouring from across the globe with the intention to give back and help in Serbia. I am very proud to be an athlete in these times, among many greats who have come forward to bring people together at a time when we are apart – to bring hope, community, and inspire others in the same way to use our platforms for good. This is what life is all about – giving. For more information, please visit @novakfoundation and Our team is here to help. Stay positive, we will get through this together ??❤️. Much love to all, Novak

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